Boo: Eat It & Be Scared


I was tasked to brand an up and comming candy product aimed for kids. I created a logo and packaging desoign for each of their flavors.



A bunch of sketches for the boo logo on a dotted sketch book. There is a lot of sketches that playes with haloween imagry and plays wit6h haloween text. The chosen ones have stars next to them A bunch of sketches for the boo logo on a dotted sketch book. There is a lot of sketches that playes with haloween imagry and plays wit6h haloween text. The chosen ones have stars next to them

Going into to this, my main focues was that this was a kid products. so I really leaned into the kid frendly halloween imagery. I also wanted to play with the text in a fun way to get kids more intrested in the product.


skecthes for boo pakaging designon on  a dotted sketchbook. There are 3 designs that play with the design depending on the different flavors of the candy.

Similar to the logo design, I wanted the box to also follow the kid frednly halloween imagery. I also wanted to give each packaging a distinc design for each of the flavor.


various comps for the logo in illustrator. There are 15 artboards with different version of the logo

There are the comps for the logo. A couple of the sketchs I picked involved using a ghost and using the two "O" in the word "Boo" as eyes. Another idea I picked from the sketch was using little mini halloween images in the text of boo. And the last idea was creating a ghostly effect around the text. The color I wanted to use was haloween colors like orange, black, blue, and red.




The final primary logo for boo eat it and be scary candy brand. Features the word boo and with ghost mascot using the two o's as eyes and the tagline on the bottom. A reverse black and white version of the boo primary company logo

So, for the final logo desgin, I went with the ghost logo because it fits the aesthetic with I was going and creates a character tht kids would like. I stuck with a black and white because it would be mmore flexiable to put it on different color backgrounds which will come in handy when it comes to putting the logo on different packaging.


The secondary logo is Similar to the primary logo. It just has the ghost mascot A reverse black and white version of the boo secondary company logo

These are the secondary logo that hight lights the mascot for the product.


The mock ups for the packaging design. There are 3 different packaging designs for each different flavors. The flavor 'Happy Haunting' has a traditinal black and orange design with a pumpking cut out. The flavore'Vampire Midnight Snack' has a red and green colore scheme. The last flavor 'spooky night' has a white and blue color scheme and uses the reverse black and white logo.

These are the mockups for the packaging design. Each desgin represents the different flavors.